Image: Female doctors's hands holding stethoscope
Health Insurance Coverage and Health Care Access Disparities
The presenter discusses how the ACA affected health coverage, health care access, and health care costs for working age adults (18-64) with disabilities. The first part of the presentation compares coverage, access and utilization trends for adults with and without disabilities. The second part uses recent national survey data to explore continuing disparities in cost and utilization of health services. The final part identifies emerging health policy issues like Medicaid Block Grants, Work Requirements, and changing regulations for private insurance, and how they may impact the lives of working-age adults with disabilities.
Presenter(s): Jae Kennedy
Click HERE to view the training video
The Affordable Care Act and Persons with Disabilities: An Introduction and Overview
The Collaborative on Health Care Reform and Independent Living (CHRIL) offered this webinar on what the Affordable Care Act (ACA) means for persons with disabilities and what some of the opportunities and challenges the law will present.
The webinar outlined the research objectives and planned work of the CHRIL over the next five years. In addition, the webinar presented an overview of the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) project and its Resources. The NDNRC is an initiative aimed at providing cross-disability information and support to Navigators and other enrollment specialists thereby ensuring people with disabilities receive accurate information when selecting and enrolling in insurance through the ACA Marketplaces.
Presenter(s): Karl Cooper
Click HERE to view the training video
What CILs and CIL Consumers Need to Know about Health Insurance Open Enrollment
Originally provided as a webinar, this training addresses what CILs need to know to assist consumers to enroll or re-enroll for health insurance. Despite some misconceptions, health insurance is still available. Many persons with disabilities will want to arrange for coverage for 2018 through the "marketplace" at
CILs and other community organizations can be a valuable resource for persons with disabilities as they make important decisions about the coverage they purchase. This training will help you make those decisions. Through this training, you will learn:
How to help persons with disabilities considering enrollment make important decisions about the coverage they choose-reviewing benefits, weighing benefits and costs, and other purchasing strategies.
How to help persons with disabilities avoid purchasing mistakes.
How to help persons with disabilities identify significant subsidies that can lessen the cost of premiums.
How to find additional information on coverage and enrollment-information you can use and that you can share with consumers.
What the impact of recent executive actions will have on enrollment and health plans and what those changes mean for persons with disabilities.
Again, coverage will still be available. You will need to know how to help consumers make important decisions and how to navigate the enrollment site. You will find this training useful in doing both.
The presenter is Karl Cooper of the American Association on Health & Disability (AAHD). Karl is the Director of Public Health Programs at AAHD where he has overseen the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative. THE CHRIL is led by Washington State University with partners at the University of Kansas, George Mason University and ILRU.
Presenter(s): Karl Cooper