January 31, 2019
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time
This presentation highlighted key findings on how implementation of the Affordable Care Act and related health policies have affected the community living and participation of working age adults (18-64) with disabilities.
Dr. Jae Kennedy provided an overview of CHRIL research and knowledge translation projects, and described how the ACA has changed insurance coverage, health care access, and associated out-of-pocket and total costs for disabled workers. Dr. Jean Hall discussed the relationship between Medicaid policy and workforce participation and described key findings from health insurance consumer interviews and a recent national survey of working age adults (18-64) with disabilities. Dr. Lex Frieden explored the information and technical assistance needs of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and highlight the training and technical assistance work of the CHRIL. Dr. Kennedy then lead a semi-structured discussion of emerging health policy issues, and strategies for studying these issues throughout the remaining two years of the CHRIL grant and beyond.
Presenter(s): Lex Frieden, Jae Kennedy, and Jean Hall